Solutions for Event 1: Fractaloween


In order to unlock the Fractaloween event, you must find the Secret Pumpkin located in Chapter 1: Discovery:


  • The Secret Pumpkin is located here (orange light, top-right) in Chapter 1: Discovery:

In order to reach it, you must:


  1. Reach the “Go Left, Go Right” area.
  2. Activate Smashers, then Activate the button located on the second Smasher in order to get access to the Box located on the vertical moving platform
  3. Take the box with you outside (go left), then reach the top here:
  1. You need to Jump over the gap (on the left of screenshot above) and go up the slope
  2. Then, you need to drop the boxuse it to reach the platform
  3. Then, take the box with you to do the same to reach the area above
  4. Look up – you’ll find a button to disable lasers
  5. Move forward, moving platforms will appear
  6. Look up again, another button will allow you to deploy the bridge (this will allow to get the Recording after)
  7. You can now reach the small platforms to your left to get the Secret Pumpkin!


Once you have picked up the Secret Pumpkin, you can activate Fractaloween Event by enabling it in the OPTIONS | Account page.

You will now have access to Fractaloween special event level in the Main Menu, and the Halloween theme is applied to the game, adding decorations to most levels!


In this event, flying pumpkins appear in waves. Over time, waves are affected in the following ways:

  1. Pumpkins move faster
  2. Pumpkins bounce higher
  3. Number of appearing pumpkins per wave increases

Your goal is to reach the highest possible score. In order to do this:

  • Avoid getting hit by pumpkins (reduces your score)
  • Shoot as many Pumpkins as you can – Aim Assist is forced on and faster for this level.
  • Get the Jetpack – makes it easier
  • Try to hide where pumpkins cannot reach you (under platforms, high up, etc)
  • Use the buttons to activate laser walls as often as you can!
  • Only get healing potions when you are low health, as they do not reappear!

Good luck and have fun in Fractaloween!